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“For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, and which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11 NASB).

Ministerial Organizations

International Ministerial Fellowship
A non-denominational thirty-five year old association of churches and ministries, with ordination, ecclesiastical endorsements, mission sending, appropriate credentialing and the opportunity for affiliation with others who share a like faith and calling. Cornerstone is an Alliance Church member of IMF.

Global Apostolic Alliance
International Apostolic Network of ministers, ministries and churches. This organization offers various levels of licensure and is headed by Rev. Ian Peters.

Ministries & Friends

Priority Living of Minnesota, Rosemount, MN
Bill Goodwin. A gifted speaker with an Apostolic & Prophetic edge. Bill is a certified John Maxwell Leadership speaker, trainer, and coach. He travels all over the US and abroad sharing this message: “We are people of value who value people and add value to them!”

Citylights Global
Ian Peters. A gifted speaker. His aim is to create environments and build relationships where people experience faith, hope and love found only in Jesus Christ.

Jubilee Worship Center, St. Cloud, MN
Rev. Mark & Becky Johnson, Pastors. Jubilee is a church committed to Experiencing God, Loving Others and Transforming our World.